
Center for Digital Medicine and Robotics

State-of-the-art medical data visualization methods



Cosimo Aliani - new guest in the Center

Before pursuing a PhD, Cosimo worked in the field of biological signal analysis, with a particular focus on photoplethysmography (PPG). Research was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic and primarily aimed at

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Visit to Ancona

Krzysztof Malinowski and Peter van Dam are currently visiting the Università Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona. Members of our team are taking part in workshops

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Zdjęcie przedstawiające pracownicę Centrum, Sandrę Zarychtę, po lewej, oraz pracownika Centrum, Jana Azarowa, po prawej

New members of the Center

The Center's team has recently expanded with two new members. We invite you to get to know the profiles of our new team members. Sandra Zarychta is a graduate of the Polytechnic University...

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Computing in Cardiology 2024

We have just attended the 51st edition of the international scientific conference Computing in Cardiology. This year, the event took place in Karlsruhe, Germany, and attracted several hundred cardiology specialists from around the world

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Objectives for the establishment of the CMCR CM


Provide access for academics, students at medical faculties, and doctors, participants in postgraduate studies of knowledge in advanced information technologies used in diagnostics and clinical treatment, particularly 3D imaging, immersive imaging technologies (virtual reality - VR, augmented reality - AR, mixed reality - MR), holography, 3D printing and artificial intelligence methods. In addition, the center aims to implement and disseminate knowledge of therapeutic procedures performed with the assistance of robots.


The Center for Digital Medicine and Robotics (CMCR CM) will enable the creating the infrastructure necessary to implement classes using these technologies in pre- and post-graduate education, and in courses and training. It will also enable scientific research on the impact of these technologies in clinical teaching. The Center for Digital Medicine and Robotics (CMCR CM) will also collaborate with the University's Network of Teaching Hospitals.

Scientific publications

The 3D Operating Room with Unlimited Perspective Change and Remote Support

Proniewska Klaudia, Dolega-Dolegowski Damian, Kolecki Radek, Osial Magdalena, Pregowska Agnieszka

The proposed XR-based solution enables the preview and registration of performed medical procedures without restrictions resulting from the camera settings and the recorded perspective, i.e. unlimited perspective…

The ΔWaveECG: The differences to the normal 12‑lead ECG amplitude

Proniewska Klaudia K., Abacherli Roger, van Dam Peter M.

Creation of a normal ECG amplitude distribution to enable the distinction by non-ECG experts of normal from abnormal waveforms of the standard 12‑lead ECG.

A New Computer-Aided Solution for the Automatic Detection of Metal Stent Struts in Follow-up Evaluation in OCT Images

Schneider Zofia, Pociask Elżbieta, Proniewska Klaudia, Kolecki Radek

Stenting is commonly used in the treatment of coronary artery disease. To optimize…

Assessment of the utility of Mixed Reality in medical education

Kolecki Radek, Pregowska Agnieszka, Dąbrowa Julianna, Skuciński Jerzy, Pulanecki Tomasz, Walecki Piotr, van Dam Peter M., Dudek Dariusz, Richter Piotr, Proniewska Klaudia

MR technology can be a valuable resource that supports traditional medical education, especially via 3D…


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